After making changes to your cases, download them to the CD, diskette or export directory and send them back to the Main computer.
Exporting Cases from the Lite System to the Main System
To move (export) cases from the Lite system to the Main system:
1. From the top Main Menu toolbar (File Menu), select ‘File’ > ‘Lite Export’ > ‘Export to Main’.
2. You will see the Export to Main window (shown below). In the ‘Export To’ field, enter the directory where the Lite file will be copied. For example, if you are exporting to a CD, you would enter ‘D:’; or keep it the same if it is already correct.
3. Click on the ‘Export’ button. You will see a message showing the export status at the top right of the Trustee Suite screen.
4. When the export is complete, you will see a message indicating the Lite file name and the location of the file.
5. Click on ‘OK’.
6. Now you are ready to import back to Main.
For limitations and troubleshooting issues related to exporting cases to Main, see the Do’s and Don’ts page of this Help File.