Bank Activity

The Bank Activity screen has been designed so that you can see important bank status updates as well as pending items to be sent to the bank all in one place.  Use the four links on the main menu at the top of the page to navigate and see more details of the bank communication process or simply review the most important information on the Bank Activity screen.

View Bank Activity

From the top Main Menu toolbar (File Menu), select ‘Bank Communication’ > ‘Bank Activity’ to invoke the Bank Activity screen (shown below).

Bank Activity Screen

This screen is an overview of the Bank Communication Status (Bank Available Balance As-of Date in x number of accounts, Last Communication Date and a link to the Stretto website).  It also includes a summary of items to be sent to the bank requiring approval, pending items received from the bank requiring review, a link to view previously sent items and a count of open bank accounts, including the type of accounts and their balances, sa well as links to Reports and other items.

Automatic Bank Communication

The Stretto Agent will communicate with the Bank throughout the day to obtain balances and send your requested items.

Banking Summary Screen

The Banking Summary screen (shown above) gives you an overview of your accounts and the current status of the communication to the bank.  This screen will also display a count of items that are pending approval before they can be sent to the bank as well as items received from the bank that require review.

There is also a ‘Settings’ option.

Items to Send Screen

The Items to Send screen grid displays the following information:

  • Transaction Type
  • Case
  • Account
  • Date
  • Amount
  • Name / Description

This screen lists items that are awaiting communication with the bank.  Items that are unchecked are highlighted in yellow to indicate that they must be approved before they can be sent to the bank.  Once items are sent to the bank, they will fall off of this grid.

If you prefer to approve all pending items in a batch, use the ‘Approve All’ link shown below the grid.

The ‘Approved Status’ area (above the grid to the right in the form of radio button options) is a “filter” that allows for toggling the transaction view.  You can view transactions with ‘Pending Only’ status, ‘Approved Only’ status or ‘All’ (‘Pending’ and ‘Approved’).

The ‘Review Electronic W-9’s’ link can be used to open the Electronic W-9 signing screen.

Received Items Screen

The Received Items screen lists all items that have been received from the bank that require review.  Incoming Wire Transfers, Check Guard messages, Backup Withholding, Bank-originated interest adjustments and ACH transactions are usually listed in this screen.

The Received Items screen grid displays the following information:

  • Received
  • Case
  • Account
  • Type
  • Tran. Date
  • Reference
  • Amount

There is also a field for Additional Information.

You can use the ‘Post to Ledger’ button to post a financial transaction directly to the ledger.  The ‘Post to Ledger’ button is unavailable for items that are for review only.


The Reports screen gives you access to Bank Activity reports as well as other banking-related reports.  Enter the date range for which you want to run your reports under ‘Communication Date’ and select the appropriate checkboxes under ‘Information to Print’ prior to report ‘Preview’, ‘Print’ or ‘Print Setup’.

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