The columns in the grid shown above will be auto-populated with information populated in the ledger and as filtered via the ‘Trustee’ drop-down, ‘Case’ drop-down, ‘Accounts’ drop-down and ‘Duplicates’ drop-down above the grid. The user can select a single check, multiple checks or all checks to print, and select a printer from which to print, using the functionality provided below the grid. Selecting the ‘Customize’ button at the bottom of the screen invokes the following screen in which the user can customize the check via the ‘Checks Format’ drop-down’ menu (options include ‘Legacy Format’ and Modern Format’).
Legacy Format:
In the Legacy format, the user can customize the ‘Debtor’ text field and ‘{Trustee Name}’ text field. The ‘View By: Field Captions’ hyperlink allows the user to view the check with expanded field captions. Clicking on the link again returns the user to the editable screen.
Modern Format:
In the Modern format, the user can customize the ‘Stale Date # of Days’ drop-down menu, ‘{Trustee Name}’ text field, which when clicked on provides a list of options, ‘Regarding’ text field, the ‘{Case Name} (Case No.}) PHONE:{Case Phone No,} {Bank Account No.}’ text field, the ‘VOID AFTER 90 DAYS’ text field and ‘{Trustee Name}’ text field. The ‘View By: Field Captions’ hyperlink allows the user to view the check with expanded field captions. Clicking on the link again returns the user to the editable screen.