The Bank Reconciliation Details report prints a single page for each open bank account, showing the ledger and available balances, as of the last day of a month, or as of today. Outstanding checks are listed. This report should be run monthly, and the trustee should keep a copy for audit purposes.
Accessing the Report
From the Trustee Suite Main Menu toolbar, select ‘Reports’, the ‘Accounts’ tab and then ‘Bank Recon Details’ from the Print Reports screen to invoke the Bank Reconciliation Details Worksheet shown below.
Generating the Report
Populate the following fields:
- Trustee: Select by Trustee number or ‘-All-‘.
- Case: Select by Case number or ‘-All-‘.
- Account: Select by Account number or ‘-All-‘.
- Date Thru: Select the appropriate date.
Printing the Report
- Preview: This button enables you to view the report before printing.
- Print: This button sends the report to the default printer.
- To PDF: This button prints the report to PDF and saves a copy to Document Management.
- Cancel: This button undoes any changes and cancels the print job.
- More Options>>:
- Report Title: This field allows you to add a title to the report (e.g., Bank Reconciliation Details).
- Sort by: Select either ‘Case No.’ or ‘Case Name’ via the radio buttons.
- Checkboxes: Select the appropriate checkbox(es) from the following list:
- Consider Outstanding Items for Out of Balance Condition: Select this checkbox if you would like to consider outstanding checks when determining if you are out of balance. Voids will be included as “outstanding” if the check was dated before the report cutoff date but was voided after the cutoff date.
- Print Out of Balance Only: Select this option to exclude cases which “balance” (i.e., the only difference is for “outstanding checks”).
- Print Open Cases Only: This option allows you to exclude closed or deactivated cases from the report. If checked, your report will include cases closed after the “As Of” date.
- Include Non Stretto Accounts: This option allows you to include banks other than Mechanics Bank in the report.
- Exclude Closed Accounts: Select this checkbox if you do not wish to include closed accounts in the report.
- Save Defaults: This button sets the current field selections as the default each time this report is accessed.