Labels and Envelopes

The Labels and Envelopes feature can be accessed from the following areas within Trustee Suite:

  • Cases (sub-menu):  From the Form Selection toolbar on the far left side of the screen, select the ‘Case’ tab and then the ‘Label/Envelope’ link under the Case sub-menu beneath the tabs on the far left side of the screen.
  • Claims (sub-menu):  From the Form Selection toolbar on the far left side of the screen, select the ‘Claims’ tab and then the ‘Label/Envelope’ link under the Claims sub-menu beneath the tabs on the far left side of the screen.
  • 341(a) Worksheet (sub-menu):  From the Form Selection toolbar on the far left side of the screen, select the ‘341(a) Wkst’ tab and then the ‘Label/Envelope’ link under the 341(a) Wkst sub-menu beneath the tabs on the far left side of the screen.
  • Professionals List:  From the top Main Menu toolbar (File Menu), select ‘Tables’ > ‘Professionals’.
  • Creditor Mailing Matrix (two options):
    • From the Form Selection toolbar on the far left side of the screen, select the ‘Claims’ tab and then the ‘Creditor Matrix’ link under the Claims sub-menu beneath the tabs on the far left side of the screen.-OR-
    • From the top Main Menu toolbar (File Menu), select ‘Case Administration’ > ‘Creditor Mailing Matrix’.

Selection Options

Type radio buttons (‘Label’ and Envelope’):

  • Label:
    • The following labels are supported.  Select the appropriate label from the Label drop-down list.
      • Avery 5160
      • Avery 5161
      • Avery 5162
      • Avery 5163
      • Avery 5164
    • Label Options button:  Select this button, which invokes the screen shown below, and click on the label to mark the starting point for label printing.  This allows users to reuse partial sheets of labels.

A red line will appear on in the label format window (shown in the first screenshot above) to show users the printing limitations on the label.  Any text outside the label will be cut off.

  • Envelope:
    • Print return address checkbox:  Select this box to print the return address on the envelope (edit the address under the Envelope Options).
    • Envelope Options button:  Select the label orientation (‘Left’, ‘Middle’ or ‘Right’).

Font drop-down list:  Select ‘Arial’, ‘Courier New’ or ‘Times New Roman’.

Print Options:

Current Record:  Formats and prints the highlighted selection only (the checkbox in the first column (‘Print’) of the grid, shown in the first screenshot above, must be checked in order to print).

Multiple Records:  Select the checkboxes of the addressess in the first column (‘Print’) of the grid that you wish to format and print.

Select All:  Clicking on this button selects all of the addresses in the grid and allows you to format and print them.

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