Once you map a value, Trustee Suite will “remember” the mapping and use it automatically for future imports.
Map Case Import Values
1. From the Import Cases From ECF screen (shown partially below; use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to view the entire screen), accessed via clicking on the ‘Case’ tab from the Form Selection toolbar on the far left side of the screen and then selecting the ‘Case Import’ link beneath the Case sub-menu below the tabs on the far left side of the page, map unknown values to known values by clicking on the cell in the grid containing the unknown value. A drop-down list will appear with all existing Trustee Suite values (e.g., a list of attorneys), as shown in the second screenshot below.
2. Select a value by clicking on an item from the list.
• If the information is not in the system, you may add the unknown value to the corresponding Trustee Suite list by clicking on it and selecting ‘<Add…>’ from the drop-down menu.
• You may also import the case with the unknown value, but if you do not map it or add the value to the list, Trustee Suite will default the unknown value to ‘<None>’.
If you choose to import a case without mapping invalid values to known values (i.e., unknown values), you will receive the Case Import Mapping Message asking if you want to blank out all unmatched values.Click ‘Yes’ to continue and Trustee Suite will replace the unmatched value with ‘<None>’. Click on ‘No’ to return to the Import Cases From ECF screen to modify the Case Import file.
3. If a mapped value occurs more than once in the import file, Trustee Suite will ask “Do you want to apply this assignment to all cases with this name?” If you select ‘Yes’, all future imports that contain the same value will automatically be replaced with the mapped Trustee Suite value. If you answer ‘No’, only the selected item will be changed.
View Mapping
Click on the ‘View Mapping’ button to view any replacements that you made from the Import Cases From ECF screen. For example, if you mapped an invalid name to a valid name, the Case Import Mapping window will verify your change. The Case Import Mapping window (shown below) is for information only. Actual mapping must be performed from the Import Cases From ECF screen.
The Case Import Mapping window displays replacements that have been made (mapped values).
- Import Value: Displays a list of Import Values that do not match any of the codes recognized by Trustee Suite.
- Map to Trustee Suite Value (Code): Displays a list of Trustee Suite Values that correlate to the Import Values.
- Trustee/Judge/Attorney (radio buttons): Indicates which code is being displayed. Click on the button options to see other code mappings.